fakta om Robert Pattinson (läs om ni orkar det är roligt)

*Robert Pattinson som kallas för rob föddes den 13 Maj 1986 i London, England. han tycker om musik, och är en utmärk musikant, han spelar både gitar coh piano.

*2003 tog Robert på den roll av Cedric Diggory harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005). Han fick hans roll en vecka senare efter möte Mikrofon Newell i senare 2003.
Han har sedan cast som Edward Cullen i högt förväntade film, Twilight (2008). Hans musik  hörs i filmen. Robert har även slutfört kommande roller som Salvador Dali i Lilla Aska (2008) och artikel i How to Be (2008).

*Han började ta piano lektioner i ålder tre och klassisk gitarr vid fem.
Deltog Harrodian privat skola i London.
Han har två äldre systrar, Lizzy och Victoria.
Fortfarande nära vänn med Harry Potter och Goblet of Fire (2005) co-stjärnor, Stanislav Ianevski och Katie Leung. 
det var svårt för rob att lära sig att dyka i sin roll i Harry Potter och Goblet of Fire.

Personliga Quotes

Up until I was 12 my sisters used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as 'Claudia'! Twelve was a turning point as I moved to a mixed school and then I became cool and discovered hair gel.

It's strange, somebody asked for my autograph the other day. Because I finished school and I'm not really doing anything at the moment, I was just kind of aimlessly wandering around London and these two guys who were about 30 came up and asked for my autograph. I was really quite proud at the time, and they wanted to take photos and stuff. And then they were sort of wandering around and I was kind of wandering around and I bumped into them about three times, and every single time their respect for me kept growing and growing and growing.

They [Barnes Theatre Club] were a very good group, and for some reason when I finished the backstage thing, I just decided to that I should try to act. So I auditioned for Guys and Dolls and got a little tiny part as some Cuban dancer or something and then in the next play I got the lead part, and then I got my agent. So I owe everything to that little club.

The day before [the Harry Potter London premiere] I was just sitting in Leicester Square, happily being ignored by everyone. Then suddenly strangers are screaming your name. Amazing.

I went to one of these signing conventions. [in '06] It was one of the most interesting experiences I've had. It was so strange that people would pay for autographs. You keep thinking you should do a little dance for them as well or something.

I have been playing the piano for my entire life - since I was three or four. And the guitar - I used to play classical guitar from when I was about five to 12 years of age. Then I didn't play guitar for like years. About four or five years ago, I got out the guitar again and just started playing blues and stuff. I am not very good at the guitar, but I am all right. I am in a band in London as well.

My favorite teacher was probably my English teacher because she got me into writing instead of just answering the question. I used to hand in homework with 20 pages of nonsense and she'd still mark it. She was a really amazing teacher.

I didn't want to get stuck in pretty, public school roles, or I knew I'd end up as some sort of caricature. Playing Dali has been a complete turning point for me. It's the first part I've had that has required really serious thought. I became completely obsessed with Dali during the filming, and I read every biography I could get a hold of. He was the most bizarre, complex man, but in the end I felt I could relate to him. He was basically incredibly shy.

I wasn't at all focused on school, and I didn't achieve much. But I've got a sense of urgency now. I feel I can't let any more time waste away.

(2008/I) is a metaphor for the virtues of chastity, but it's had the opposite effect. I get letters that say "I'm going to kill myself if you don't watch High School Musical 2 (2007) (TV) with me". It's a little nuts.

Everything has become more intense for six months, since 'Twilight' was released. It's hard to handle what's happening to me. I don't have the necessary hindsight, even if only to find a way out to this situation. But this celebrity thing, you can't fight it, it's useless, you can't avoid it. When it's not something you desired during your whole life, or something you don't aspire to, you're free not to care about it. I didn't sign for Disney. There's not a stipulation which forces me to smile to the paparazzi.

(June 2009) New York - "Filming Remember Me"


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